Articles Tagged 'custom'

Graphically display the number of test cases in a test set

A customer in a webinar recently questioned how to get a count of the test cases in a test set that is not marked as completed. This KB article answers this request.

How to get the list of test cases that need to be re-run

You may need to create a list of test cases associated with a particular incident status to know that those incidents have been fixed and can now be verified by rerunning the tests.

This article explains how to generate a list of the test cases associated with incidents containing this status.

Writing Custom Entity SQL Reports in Spira

Our Spira platform (SpiraPlan, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam) has powerful custom reporting capabilities that let you build custom reports using the Microsoft Entity SQL language. This article provides some pointers on writing such reports.

Reporting on Timesheet Logged Time by Custom Account Field

We have a customer that is looking to track the total logged time (from the new Spira timesheets module) per customer billing account. Using a Spira custom property to represent the billing account, and the Spira custom reporting capability, we can easily create such a report in the system.

How to customize custom report title and column headers

All the column headers used in standard reports are in English by default.
While localization used, application language is being changed but that not applies to report column names (headers) since reports being shared for all available localizations.
This article explains how to achieve report customization for specific language.

How to group data in a custom report using XSLT

You may need to get the report that groups and aggregates the output results. This article explains how to achieve this using XSLT.

Pulling tags using custom reports

Built-in reports in Spira may not have included Tags column in the grid by default.
This can be easily fixed by cloning standard report and slightly editing it.

Creating custom report of Release Task progress with inline graph

Existing Release Task progress widget (Product home page -> Development tab) displays the status for top 4 releases.
In case you need to have the full list of the releases and their task progress then custom reporting functionality of Spira will help to deliver that.

Create a Program user membership custom report

For audit or any other purposes, you may need to extract a list of program and project membership report.
This is possible with a custom report (must be using Spira 8.3+).

Please note that this report is to be used in addition to reviewing the list of users who currently are system admins.
Also consider that if there is no active project under the program user is member of - it will not be listed in this report

Most common Exception errors in Custom Report queries

Entity SQL uses a little different structure than traditional SQL and sometime, it can be that even if the query is working fine in SQL or T-SQL it may throw an error when creating a custom queries in Spira using ESQL. Here are some of the most known errors that may prevent you from getting a successful result.

Creating a custom report of all pending test runs in a product

If you would like to create a custom report that shows list of Pending Test Runs and step counts, follow the steps below (note that you must be on at least Spira v8.3). 

This report will provide very similar information to the Pending Test Run widget on the Product Home Page.

Create a custom report for Tasks with their folders

You may need to create a report of Tasks with their folders. From Spira v8.3 it is now possible to display the name of the folder, just like it can be done for Test Cases and Test Sets 

Summary graph by test execution status and build

To get a table that summarizes the test run count by status / by build, this article explains how to accomplish this.

How to extract large amount of artifacts from Spira using Excel or OData

Import/export tools (including Custom reports ) are limited on row handling, due to performance issues it may cause. To get more than 10000 rows at the time, you will need to do it in batches or filter the report in some logical way.
This article explains how to override that limitation with minimum manual efforts.

Modifying standard Test Run Detailed report to display each step's start and end datetime

In case you need to get an execution date and time of the test step but keep the standard Test Run detailed report format, the fastest way is to modify the existing one. This article explains how to achieve that.

How to create a historical report of users getting or losing system admin permissions

For audit or any other purposes, you may need to extract a list of changes to system admin permissions for users. This is possible with a custom report (must be using Spira 8.2+).

Please note that this report is to be used in addition to reviewing the list of users who currently are system admins.

Extracting the list of all Products using custom reports

In case you need to create a report that displays the list of projects in the system in Excel, HTML format this article explains how to achieve that.

How to get the list of users that have a specific permission in a product

You may need answer questions like: who today is able to see the source code in product X, or who can bulk edit requirements. You can do so using custom reports. The example below answers the first of the above questions.

How to generate test set report with builds and execution statuses

If you need show the list of test sets with their test cases, execution statuses and related builds, follow this article to produce a custom report to do so.

Creating a custom report to display test step execution counts

The build in reports in SpiraTest / SpiraTeam are primarily geared to display the # passes, # fails, etc. from the perspective of test cases. It assumes that even a single fail / block / caution of any of the steps constitutes a failure of the entire test case. However some of our customers were looking for ways to display the execution information at the test step level. This articles describes how to create a simple custom report to display this.

Creating a Custom Report to display a list of Incidents with their linked Test Cases

Some customers have asked how to create a custom report that lets them trace back from Incidents to Test cases (information about each incident with all the IDs of the test cases associated to that Incident). This is the opposite to Test Case Traceability report.

This article explains the process.

Creating a Custom Report of Electronic Signature Approval on Test Cases

A customer once asked how to create a list of all test cases that have electronic signature approval recorded.  For example, let us say that you have electronic signature turned on for a specific transition operation in the Test Case. Then, how do we create a list of all the test cases that have electronic signature recorded? 

How to find product membership for a product but in the past

You may want to see what product membership for a product was like historically - what users in what role were able to access the product at a specific point in time.

Starting from Spira 7.13 it is possible to track product membership changes and use custom reporting to review this historical data.

Defect Re-Open/Bounceback Rate Report and Graph

A customer wanted to be able to report on the number of times that a defect had been reopened a product. In addition, they wanted to found out how many defects had been reopened 1, 2, or 3 times since being originally created. The Spira custom reporting functionality makes this very easy.

Report to identify number of days a defect is assigned to a status

A customer asked is how they could run a report on a daily basis to see for how long a defect has been assigned to a specific status and the audit log of the status changes. That is best done by using the History table and the main Incident table together in a custom report

Test Execution Productivity Report

A customer wanted to get a report of the average test execution duration per test case in the system. Now the test case automatically gets updated with the most recent test execution duration when you run the test case. However, instead of the duration of the most recent run, we want the average of all the runs of the test case. That's where a custom report comes in handy.

Test Case Creation Productivity Graph

A customer asked is how they could run a report to display the number of test cases created per day for a specific date range. You can of course just run the test case summary report and export the data to Excel, but using Spira's custom reporting functionality, you can also do it inside the application.

Report of Requirements Test Coverages

A customer wanted to get some specific requirements' test coverage reports covering the following two key metrics:

  • Number of Test Cases per Requirement
  • Number of Test Cases with no mapped requirements (with capability to view specific test cases with no mapped requirements)

You can just run the out of the box test case detailed report and manually filter the data in Excel, but using the power of Spira custom reporting, you can get exactly what you want in a single document.

Report of Requirements that Contain Suspect Test Cases

A customer wanted to get a report of the number of requirements that have changed with mapped test cases that are yet to be updated (with capability to view specific requirements). When a requirement is changed and a test case is not yet changed, the test case has a suspect flag set automatically to True. So, the best way to get this data is to get a report of the number of requirements that are linked to at least one suspect test case.

Creating a Report of Test Results by Configuration Including Inline Graph

We had a customer that was looking to display a table of the different test configurations that were tested and looking to display the results of all the test cases in a test set / release by configuration. Ideally they wanted an small inline bar graph as well. Using the custom reporting functionality of Spira, this is possible.

Custom Report of Test Sets, Test Cases, and Test Steps

One of our customers recently asked about creating a report that brought the test set, test  case, and test step in a specific format to help them with their test planning.  This KB article explains how this can be done.


How to add most recent comment to the Task summary report

This article explains how to get the most recent comment and add it as a column for an artifact summary report (if it is not already displayed).

Creating a list of comments for any users in the system

If you need to extract comments for artifact, for a period of time or filtered by comment creator - you can easily do that using Custom Report tool or - if you're using SpiraPlan you can use OData or (PowerBI Desktop) to visually create reports and analysis.

Retrieving requirement associations

This article describes how to retrieve artifact's associations due to the dependency type that become challenging.

Database Changes Between Spira v4.2 and v5.0

As part of the v5.0 update to SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam, we made major changes to the database structure to improve performance and usability as well as lay the foundation for v5.1, v5.2 and v5.3 due out later this year. Customers using custom reports that relied on the old v4.2 database structure will need to modify their custom reports.

This article is obsolete.
This only applies to upgrading to v5.0 which was released in 2016.

List of reportable entities in SpiraTeam 4.0

The new release of SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam 4.0 includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities. This articles provides a list of the available entities.

This article is now obsolete.
Currently Spira has a number of views available that helps to create powerful custom reports using ESQL queries. Each available table is listed with all of their exact field names. In our documentation you can find a full list of available custom report tables.

Writing Custom Reports for SpiraTeam v2.3 - v3.2

This articles describes how to write custom reports in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam. It also can be used to modify the layout and styling of the various built-in reports.
This information applies to the following versions of Spira:

  • v2.3
  • v2.3.1
  • v3.0
  • v3.1
  • v3.2

This article is obsolete. To create a new report it is not currently necessary to populate the tables, all applicable tables are already populated and available as ‘views’. To find more about available custom report tables, getting started tutorial, information about using dynamic tokens in reports, custom reports, custom graphs, OData (SpiraPlan only), please refer to our documentation here.

Incident Custom Properties are Disabled

In SpiraTest, when you create a new custom property in the incidents section, they are disabled by default. Unlike other parts of the system, the incident tracker has a customizable workflow. This article describes the steps necessary to enable the new custom properties in the workflow (which will make the custom property enabled).

This article is now obsolete.
Custom Properties are now always active and do not require separate activation.

How to retrieve incidents associated with a requirement using Custom Reports

Sometimes you may need to get the list of incidents associated with a requirement but that can be challenging in case an implicit association exist.
This article can help you to get these associations.

Custom Report that Displays Test Sets, Test Cases, Test Steps and Linked Incidents/Attachments

A customer asked us how you could create a custom report that shows the following information in a single table:

  • A list of test sets containing:
    • test cases
      • test steps
  • For each test step, the linked:
    • attachments
    • incidents
Creating a Requirements Traceability Report of Requirements Tests and Defects

A customer asked us if it was possible to create a version of the requirements traceability report that would display the following:

  • Requirement (name and ID)
  • Test Case (name and ID)
  • Test Run (ID and execution status)
  • Incident (ID)
Requirement - Test Step Traceability Report

Of the unique needs of a requirements and test management system when working in the Defense industry, specifically when designing, building, and testing mission systems, is the ability to link individual test steps to the requirements.  This article provides you with a custom report to use to display such a traceability matrix.

Error Saving Item Due to Old Custom Property Records in Spira 5.x

If you have recently upgraded to Spira v5.x from an earlier version and get an error message saving artifacts that mentions 'XPKTST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY' then you may have some old artifact custom property records that are blocking the new item saving

Receiving database constraint error when trying to execute a test case or test set

If you are trying to run a test case or test set and you receive the following error:

   Database constraint violation occurred [APPLICATION.Business.EntityConstraintViolationException]
   An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. [System.Data.UpdateException]
   Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'XPKTST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.TST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY'.
The statement has been terminated. [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]

Then this article provides the solution for you.

Using the Spira v5.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v5.4 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

Sample Release Notes Custom Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a simple Release Notes report that can be used to display the list of new features and enhancements / fixed bugs in a specific release. We use a report like that ourselves to generate the Release Notes for our products (Rapise, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, etc.). This article describes how you can create a similar report yourself

Creating a SpiraTest custom report with date values (no time component)

Sometimes you want to create a new custom report with a list of fields from SpiraTest that includes the date that a test cases was executed or the date that a defect was logged, but you don't want to clutter the report with the time part. Alternatively you want to join two tables on a date-time field where only a date comparison is needed.

Creating a Report of Test Sets, Test Cases and Test Steps in Hierarchical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the test sets with their included test cases along with their test steps with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test cases (by test set) and test steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

(There are different versions of the ESQL query to use based on the version of Spira that you are using)

Creating a report to display test cases with execution counts in Spira v4.2

This articles describes the steps to create a custom report that displays a table of test cases with the following fields:

  • Test Case ID
  • Test Case Name
  • Last Execution Date
  • Last Execution Status
  • Number of Test Runs
Creating a Custom Spira Report for Comparing Test Results

A customer asked us the following question:  "I run an automated test suite consisting of the same 250 tests every night.
I'd like to be able to run a report in the morning that shows me the tests that failed, but had passed the previous night.
How can I accomplish this using the reporting mechanism ??"

List of reportable entities in Spira 4.1-5.4

Spira 4.1 onwards includes the ability to write custom reports against various reportable entities.
This article provides a list of reportable entities that were available in Spira version 4.1 through to 5.4

Using the Spira v4.x Custom Reporting with Custom Properties

The custom reporting functionality in SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v4.1 (or later) includes the ability to write complex reports, joining various tables, using SQL aggregation (COUNT, SUM, etc.) functions and other advanced reporting features. A common needs is to display a list of artifacts (requirements, test cases, etc.) and join against the custom property definitions so that you get the custom fields displayed with the names of the value not just the IDs. This articles explains how to do this.

How to show the Jira ID on the artifact list pages and in reports

This article describes the steps to do so you can display the Jira ID field in certain reports and on list pages.

Сreate a report to filter Parent Requirements only based on a Custom Field

From the UI the Parent requirement won't be retrieved if none of its children match the filter criteria.
This article shows you how to create a custom report that retrieves parent requirements that meet the filter criteria, even if none of their children meet it.
For example, if you need to create a custom report for requirements filtered by a custom property - here are the detailed instructions how to achieve that.

How to get a list of all Requirements associated to a Release or all Risks associated to Requirement

This article shows examples of how to find all artifacts of one type associated to another artifact. For example, getting the list of Requirements associated to a Release, or showing all Risks associated to a Requirement. This mimics what a user may see in the corresponding Associations tab but in a report.

How to make custom reports for program level artifact associations

This article explains how to create several different example custom reports for program level artifacts and their associations.

How to add and an image (logo) to the header or footer of a custom report

While custom images in custom report headers and footers are not directly supported this article explains a workaround so that you can embed an image or a  logo inside the custom report.

Summary report of all products with information about their programs

Sometimes you need to get a report of all the Programs and Products available in your Spira instance.
This article explains how to do that.

Graph of requirements by status in open releases

This article explains how to create a graph of the number of requirements by status, assigned to any open release in a product, using the custom graphing engine.

How to get the names of Custom List values instead of their IDs

In this article we will show how to get an artifact's and product's multi-select custom property values. Report views for artifacts and products contain all custom fields, but for those custom fields that use custom lists, only the ID of the custom list value(s) are shown. Here is what to do if you want to find the text that matches those IDs.

Using SubQuery (nested SELECT) in ESQL

You’ve probably encountered cases where it looks like you need another SELECT statement inside your main statement.
Is it possible to use nested SELECTs in ESQL? 
Yes, it’s possible!
In this article, we’ll explain the nested query (SELECT) and how to use it efficiently.

Creating a Custom Requirement Summary Graph using ESQL

A customer recently posted on the forums that they wanted to create a similar graph to the built-in Requirements Summary one using Spira custom graphs and ESQL. In this article we include an example.

Writing a Custom Report to Display the Count of Incidents By Project and Priority

A customer of ours asked for a custom report / graph for displaying the count of incidents by project and by priority.

Custom Report of Test Sets, Test Cases, Test Runs by Folder and Release

We had a customer looking for a consolidated report of the test sets and their test cases, grouped by release and test set folder. The report needed to have the individual test case instances in the test set along with the associated test runs.

Creating a Risk Exposure History Report

 In this article we will show you how to create a risk exposure report to help product managers evaluate changes to risk exposures over time.

Creating a Bar Chart to visualize historical delivery of requirements and incidents

Custom graphs let you see powerful and meaningful summaries of your data. One example of this is seeing how many requirements or incidents were delivered historically, broken down by the year of their release. In this article we will show you how to create such a graph to help Product Managers see delivery over time, to help them assess and manage their current and future work program.

Creating a report for failed Test Cases with no linked Incidents

A customer of ours asked for a custom report for displaying the list of  failed Test Cases that do not have any incidents attached or created during testing.

Create a report of the number of Incidents and Requirements in past releases

Some customers may want to see the summary delivered outputs of their past releases. To do so, in this example, we create a custom report that shows a table of the total number of Incidents and requirements assigned to each past releases (releases with an end date in the past).

Create a report to display all artifacts across the system owned by a specific person

You may want to extract all the artifacts that have a specific person is assigned across all products, to see their current work. 
This article provides an example of such a report.

Creating a Velocity Comparison Chart for Agile or Scrum Product Delivery

A customer once asked how to create a velocity comparison chart for their Scrum Team to measure planned versus actual velocity across the releases. This article addresses how this chart can be created.

Creating a Custom Graph based on a set of values in a Custom List

A customer recently asked about creating a custom graph based on a set of values in a custom list on an artifact. This article explains how this can be done. 

Implementing Sorting and Filtering on Tasks using XSLT

In one of the training sessions on reporting, a request came up on how data in the XSLT can be sorted similar to ordering results using the ORDER BY clause in ESQL. Both ESQL and XSLT offer its own power which is beyond the scope of this article. But, this article explains a simple way to sort the folders and the tasks in these folders by filtering out the tasks in the root folder and filtering tasks that do not have a name filled in.

Custom Report to pull Custom Properties with Data

A customer had a list of custom properties on the requirement artifact. Some of these custom properties on some requirement had data filled in. When they pulled a report of these requirements, some of these empty custom properties took up much of the report space. So, the customer wondered about reporting only those non-empty custom properties on the artifact. This article explains how this can be achieved.

Custom Use Case Requirements Report using Custom Reports

We had a customer that was looking to use the Custom Reporting feature in Spira to generate a simple use case report that matched their existing template and format. This article shows how you can do this yourself.

Report of Incidents by Program

A customer asked us if we could provide a report of all the incidents across all projects and programs. In SpiraPlan you already have a Program Incidents list page that shows this information.  However sometimes you want the information in a report format.

Displaying a Graph of Requirements Test Coverage by Custom Property

Imagine you have a situation where you want to display a requirements test coverage graph for requirements organized by a multi-select custom property. In this article we show how you can use that property to display a custom graph in the Spira reporting dashboard.

Specifying Heading Styles in Spira Custom Reports

A customer wanted to know the way to correctly format their reports so that they would look correctly in HTML and MS-Word in terms of the headings.

Generating a Report of Artifacts that have Invalid Dates

Sometimes you will load in data into SpiraTeam using Excel, Google Sheets or other methods where you end up with dates that are invalid, for example tasks that have an end date before their start date! This article explains how you can use a custom report to quickly find them.

Creating a Graph of Automated vs. Manual Test Execution Durations

Sometimes you will want to get an idea how fast your manual and automated tests are taking. You can use the custom graphing feature to create a custom graph for this.

Creating a Report of Requirements Test Coverage Percentages

SpiraTest comes with a built in graph for displaying the requirements' test coverage information. However sometimes you want the raw data and percentages rather than just the graphical form. This KB article shows how you can use the custom reporting functionality to do this.

Creating a Program Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

Some customers have asked us how they can create a program-level requirements traceability report (RTM) in Spira using the custom reporting functionality. This article explains the process.

Displaying Custom Properties at the Test Step Level

Spira allows custom property at the test step level. This functionality allows testers additional flexibility. When custom reports are designed, some customers prefer to show the custom property at the test step level. This article discusses how to structure the ESQL query to accommodate this need. 

Querying Child Requirements in a Custom Report

In our standard requirements traceability report, we display a list of test cases associated with the current requirement. However for parent requirements (Epics) that have child requirements that map to test cases, they are don't display the child requirements' test cases. This article explains how you can modify the report to include them.

Sample Custom Report - Release Notes

A customer posted a question about a sample custom report generated from Spira. In this example we show how we use the custom reporting tools in Spira to generate the release notes of another one of our products Rapise.

Report to identify number of days a defect is assigned to a person

A customer asked is how they could run a report on a daily basis to see for how long a defect has been assigned to someone and the audit log of the assignment changes. That is best done by using the History table and the main Incident table together in a custom report

Sample Project Baseline Custom Reports

The latest version of SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan (v6.5.2) has support for creating and managing project baselines. In this initial release there are no standard reports built into the system for viewing baselines and the changes that have occurred. This article we provide some custom reports you can use until the next version is released.

Creating a Custom Report with Grouped Headings

A customer asked us how we could group the data in a report by a sub-heading. For example, suppose you want to display a list of all the Components, and under each component, show a table of associated requirements. Well your trusty friend XSLT 1.0 comes to the rescue.

Increasing the Size of Rapise Images in Spira Reports

When you run Rapise automated tests using RapiseLauncher the system will automatically embed the images from Rapise into the various test cases and test run reports. By default the report format has relatively small images so that they can fit easily into the tables of expected result and actual results. However some users have asked for ways to make the images bigger.

How to Specify the Width of Columns in Acrobat PDF Format Reports

The standard PDF reports in Spira and KronoDesk uses a dynamic table layout, so all of the cells take a general width that is based on the number of columns and the width of the page. A customer wanted to be able to modify the widths to make certain columns larger or smaller (e.g. make the ID field smaller than the name). This article explains the process to do this.

Display Report of Task, Incident, Test Case Effort by Person

In this article, we will create a custom report that displays a list of users in the system and the associated effort for tasks, incidents and test cases.

Report of Test Cases and Test Results by Program

A customer asked us if we could provide a report of all the test cases and test results across all projects and programs. In the future we plan on having built in screens for quality managers to be able to see the test results and test metrics across all projects without needing to run a report. However this report will give you the information in the meantime.

Creating a Report of User Activity and Effort

A customer asked us if we could provide a report of all the activity by users across all projects and programs. In the future we plan on having built in screens for resource managers to be able to see user activity across all projects without needing to run a report. However this report will give you the information in the meantime.

Pie Chart of Test Run by Status for Release

Sometimes customers need to show a Graph with all the Test Runs by status for a specific Release in Spira. This article explains how to use the custom graphing engine to achieve this.

Pie Chart of Incident Status for a Specific Component

Sometimes customers need to show a Graph with all the Incidents by status for a specific Component in Spira. This article explains how to use the custom graphing engine to achieve this.

Creating a Report of Test Cases and Test Runs in Hierarhical Order

Sometimes you want to get a report of all the tests executed along with their test cases with the tests organized by the order in which they are displayed in SpiraTest. The custom reporting system in Spira allows you to create a custom report of all the test runs and test run steps sorted by test case order. This articles describes the process for creating such a report.

Inspecting custom UI control with UI Automation Spy

UI Automation is a default technology for testing desktop applications on Windows. If your application is not .NET or Java then  Rapise will turn on UI Automation library during recording. If some elements in your application are not recognized or there are issues with playback of recorded steps then most likely your application is using custom UI controls. You may inspect those controls and send information to Rapise support team to get recommendations on how to proceed with testing.

How to deal with custom UI Automation controls

This article is for those who test a desktop application via  UI Automation library.  Since desktop applications are frequently built using UI controls from different vendors  and the number of such controls available on the market is pretty big (> 1k)  - Rapise may not have out-of-the-box support for some controls in your application.  For such cases Rapise offers a low level API to navigate UI Automation tree of elements inside an application and read/write element properties. In this tutorial we'll show how to use this API and quickly add minimal support for a custom control.

Creating a Summary Report of Test Cases and Defects

Sometimes you want a simple test execution report that includes the list of test cases, execution dates and raised defects, without all the ancillary information in the standard Spira reports. This article provides an example of such a report.

How to organize custom code in User.js

Every test has a User.js file and it is a place to put custom code and functions. This code must follow a few rules.

Sometimes You See "Multiple controls with the same ID" Error after Migrating Projects

You can use the Spira Project Backup & Migration Tool to move projects between one instance of SpiraTest and another pretty easily. However there is a known issue that can sometimes occur if you have deleted custom properties.

Simple Requirements Document Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a way to generate a report that would be a human readable requirements document. The built-in requirements detailed report often has more information that is needed in such a report.  This article describes how to create such a report.

Creating a Report of Incidents' Reopen Count

One of the metrics that customers often find useful is the number of times that a specific incident has been reopened. We plan on adding some built-in dashboard widgets for this metric, but in the meantime, we have a custom report that you can use to report on this metric from Spira.

Creating a Report of Incidents' Aging

In Spira we have a nice incident aging graph that you can use to see the count of incidents per aging range. However sometimes customers are looking for more customizable reporting around incident aging data. This article provides some sample custom reports.

Creating a Report of Documents in SpiraTeam

A customer asked us this question:

My team is using SpiraTeam 5.4 as a storage vault for all software documents. The documents are placed in a specific project "System" that has been created for this specific purpose.

The documents are placed into several subdirectories: Requirements, Risks, Design., General, etc

Can we generate a report that lists the name of the document, folder, author, and current version.

Troubleshooting the "Report ID" Does Not Exist Error in Spira

Sometimes when you try and run certain reports you may get an strange error message "The passed in report ID or report format ID does not exist". This message is unfortunately a red herring, and there is a different reason for this error.

Creating a Requirements Traceability Support Report

A customer asked us if it was possible to create a version of the requirements traceability report that would not display each of the individual mapped test cases, but instead would give summary counts by priority.

Customizing the Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

We often get enquiries from customers looking to customize some of the reports in Spira. Although our support does not generally extend to writing such reports for customers (we have consultants and partners who would be happy to do it as a service), in this article we explain a common situation that we get asked about.

SpiraTeam Simplified Test Execution Report

We had a potential customer that was looking to generate simplified test result reports from SpiraTeam that had more details for each of the executed test steps, with full size screenshots displayed, rather than the small table cells that are in the small reports. This article contains an example of such a report.

How I added support for JPopupMenu automation in 1-hour

Example of adding support for Java UI control in Rapise.

Displaying the Value of a List Custom Property in Spira Custom Reports

In the standard reports that come with SpiraTeam, we have the 'Detailed' reports that are designed to include a primary artifact (e.g. requirements) and then include tables that display lists of related items (e.g. Tasks, Incidents, etc.). By default, we only show some of the fields in these tables. This article explains how to display the value of specific custom fields in the tables when you customize the standard reports.

Modifying the underlying MS-Word Templates in Spira 4.1+
The web-based custom reporting system in Spira v4.1 (or later) is designed to let you easily change the layout and contents of the various reports (and to create your own reports). It works in a format-agnostic manner, so that the same templates and layouts can be used regardless of whether the final report will be in PDF, HTML, Excel or MS-Word format. However sometimes there is a need to modify the specific template used to generate a specific format (e.g. MS-Word). This article describes the process.
Writing Custom Reports in SpiraTeam v2.3 - v3.2
Using SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or SpiraTeam versions v2.3 - v3.2 you can create custom reports that can be displayed in the Reports tab of the system. This article explains the process for creating such reports. Note that the reporting system is being updated in Spira v4.0 and these instructions will not apply to v4.0 or later versions of the system.