Articles Tagged 'sql'

Most common Exception errors in Custom Report queries

Entity SQL uses a little different structure than traditional SQL and sometime, it can be that even if the query is working fine in SQL or T-SQL it may throw an error when creating a custom queries in Spira using ESQL. Here are some of the most known errors that may prevent you from getting a successful result.

Create a custom report for Tasks with their folders

You may need to create a report of Tasks with their folders. From Spira v8.3 it is now possible to display the name of the folder, just like it can be done for Test Cases and Test Sets 

Summary graph by test execution status and build

To get a table that summarizes the test run count by status / by build, this article explains how to accomplish this.

Creating a Custom Report of Electronic Signature Approval on Test Cases

A customer once asked how to create a list of all test cases that have electronic signature approval recorded.  For example, let us say that you have electronic signature turned on for a specific transition operation in the Test Case. Then, how do we create a list of all the test cases that have electronic signature recorded? 

How to find product membership for a product but in the past

You may want to see what product membership for a product was like historically - what users in what role were able to access the product at a specific point in time.

Starting from Spira 7.13 it is possible to track product membership changes and use custom reporting to review this historical data.

How to add most recent comment to the Task summary report

This article explains how to get the most recent comment and add it as a column for an artifact summary report (if it is not already displayed).

Retrieving requirement associations

This article describes how to retrieve artifact's associations due to the dependency type that become challenging.

Fixing I/O request taking longer than 15 seconds SQL Server errors

If you ever see the following message in the Application Event Logs on your SQL Server database server:
SQL Server has encountered X occurrence(s) of I/O requests taking longer than 15 seconds to complete on file [Path to either your database's MDF or LDF files]
It can often mean that the Size/Shrink settings for the database files are not correct for the size of database. This articles suggestions some techniques for fixing this error message.

This article is obsolete.
The error was most common for SQL Server 2008/2008R2 editions and indicates SQL Server I/O Bottlenecks, as well as serious problems with your storage hardware you need to fix. These SQL Server editions are no longer supported.

Ways to Optimize Spira and KronoDesk Performance

Sometimes we get help desk tickets from on-premise customers regarding the performance of our web-based applications (SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam and KronoDesk). Whilst every situation is different, this article provides some common best practices that should help having a high-performing system.

IIS Application Pool Identity and Windows Integrated Security

When using Spira or KronoDesk on a separate web and database server, the easiest configuration is to use SQL Server authentication to connect between the web server and database. However that means hard coding a password in the web server (in the Web.config file). So in this article we explain how to use Windows Integrated Authentication instead.

Creating a SpiraTest custom report with date values (no time component)

Sometimes you want to create a new custom report with a list of fields from SpiraTest that includes the date that a test cases was executed or the date that a defect was logged, but you don't want to clutter the report with the time part. Alternatively you want to join two tables on a date-time field where only a date comparison is needed.

SpiraTeam and KronoDesk have IDs that occasionally jump by 1,000

When using SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk with SQL Server 2012 or later, you may occasionally have a situation where the ID for an artifact (test cases, incident, ticket) suddenly jumps by exactly 1,000 values (e.g. from 214 to 1214 instead of just incrementing to 215).

Running Queries Using SQL Server Management Studio

During the course of investigating a technical support issue for SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk , the need may arise to run a query against your Microsoft SQL database. To do so, you will use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. If you did not install this when you installed SQL, you can install it from the original source.

Configuring MS SQL Server for Remote Access

When connecting from Spira or Krono installed on a separate application server to a remote SQL server, you may have difficulties connecting. This article describes the steps for making sure that your SQL Server can be accessed remotely.

How should I backup my installation of Spira or KronoDesk?

This article describes the process for backing up instances of SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk (hosted on-premise). The example is written using SpiraTeam, but applies equally well to SpiraTest, SpiraPlan or KronoDesk, you just need to change the database name in the SQL files.

Choosing a Database to Run SpiraTeam or KronoDesk On

This article answers some common questions about which databases you can run SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam and KronoDesk on, and where you can get them from.

After restoring a backup of my database, I keep getting unable to login to database errors?

This usually just means that the restored database just needs to be linked to the existing database server login. This can be done by executing the appropriate SQL command listed below:

Creating a Custom Spira Report for Comparing Test Results

A customer asked us the following question:  "I run an automated test suite consisting of the same 250 tests every night.
I'd like to be able to run a report in the morning that shows me the tests that failed, but had passed the previous night.
How can I accomplish this using the reporting mechanism ??"

Writing Custom Entity SQL Reports in Spira

Our Spira platform (SpiraPlan, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam) has powerful custom reporting capabilities that let you build custom reports using the Microsoft Entity SQL language. This article provides some pointers on writing such reports.

Using SubQuery (nested SELECT) in ESQL

You’ve probably encountered cases where it looks like you need another SELECT statement inside your main statement.
Is it possible to use nested SELECTs in ESQL? 
Yes, it’s possible!
In this article, we’ll explain the nested query (SELECT) and how to use it efficiently.

Create a report to display all artifacts across the system owned by a specific person

You may want to extract all the artifacts that have a specific person is assigned across all products, to see their current work. 
This article provides an example of such a report.

Creating a Velocity Comparison Chart for Agile or Scrum Product Delivery

A customer once asked how to create a velocity comparison chart for their Scrum Team to measure planned versus actual velocity across the releases. This article addresses how this chart can be created.

Creating a Custom Graph based on a set of values in a Custom List

A customer recently asked about creating a custom graph based on a set of values in a custom list on an artifact. This article explains how this can be done. 

Upgrade from v5.4 to v6.0 Blocked by Foreign Key Constraints

When you upgrade from v5.4 to v6.0, unlike previous versions of the upgrader, we don't delete the entire database and recreate it. The upgrader makes the changes to live database in-situ. However if you have missing foreign key constraints in the v5.4 database it can lead to bad data that breaks the installer.

Executing SQL Database Queries from Rapise

Sometimes when you are running Rapise tests you need to run direct database queries to prepare the data in the test application, or you need to make queries against the database to verify that some user interactions left the data in a specific state.

The sample script below illustrates how you can call database queries directly from the Rapise scripting editor:

Connecting to PostgreSQL from Rapise

If you need to connect Database object to PostgreSQL database follow these simple steps.

Connecting to MySQL from Rapise

If you need to connect Database object to MySQL database follow these simple steps.

Tuning SQL Server Databases using SQL Engine Tuning Advisor

The SQL Server Database Engine Tuning Advisor examines how queries are processed in the databases you specify, and then recommends how you can improve query processing performance by modifying database structures such as indexes, indexed views, and partitioning. This can be used by on-premise customers to improve the performance of their Spira and KronoDesk instances.

Upgrade from v5.4 to v6.0 blocked by missing FullText Index Error

Sometimes when running the Spira v6.0 installer to upgrade from v5.4.0.4 to v6.0 you get the following error:

Table or indexed view 'TST_ATTACHMENT' does not have a full-text index or user does not have permission to perform this action.

This article describes the cause and provides the solution

Installing Spira or KronoDesk with a large SQL Server model database size

When you are installing SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan or KronoDesk on a database server with a large 'model' database sometimes the install will fail because the initial Spira/KronoDesk database is not large enough to contain your model database. This article provides the solution

How to migrate or downgrade a SQL Server database to a lower version

This post shows you how you can migrate or downgrade a SQL Server database from one version to a lower or earlier one. E.g. 2016 to 2014, 2014 to 2012, 2012 to 2008 etc. This can be useful if you maintain a heterogeneous environment of SQL Server instances and you have a backup from a newer version that needs to be hosted onto an older version. This happens to us quite a bit when customers installed a trial on SQL Server Express (latest version) and we need to host it on one our cloud servers.

Best Practices for Configuring Microsoft SQL Server for use with SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, and KronoDesk

When you install SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, or KronoDesk on premise, you have a choice in different ways to configure SQL Server. Every situation is different, but this article presents some recommendations.

Installing SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v3.x on SQL Server 2012
When installing Spira on SQL Server 2012 (any edition) using Windows Authentication, you may receive an error message "Cannot Create User" (or similar) during the installation. This is because of a configuration change in SQL Server 2012 (as opposed to earlier versions). This article explains the step needed to prepare SQL Server 2012 for installing Spira v3.x. Newer versions of Spira will not need this step as the installer has been updated.