Articles Tagged 'spira'

Anonymizing Users To Ensure Data Privacy

Sometimes you create user accounts in SpiraTeam for real users to login and test the system. For example you may have a UAT (user acceptance testing) phase, or a crowdsourced testing event (like our Software Testing Bowl). You then want to turn over the data to a third party supplier, but you need to anonymize the users' personal information

What is Migrated by the TestRail Migration Tool?

We have had some questions asked about the TestRail migration tool. This KB provides some additional information about what is migrated and how the artifacts relate between SpiraTest and TestRail.

Cross-Project Risk Management for Secondary Risks

Organizations sometimes maintain a risk register and map risks from the risk register to individual projects. Each project may apply different risk rating scale, such as one project using FMEA and another using the standard Probability/Impact Assessment. This article addresses how this can be done.

Migrating from Jira Server to Cloud DataSync

This article explains how to properly move from the Spira Jira Server dataSync to the Jira Cloud dataSync without disrupting the previously synchronized data, ensuring the data synchronization continues to function as expected.


Risk Analysis - Checking in on Accepted and Unresolved Product Level Risks

The second stage of risk management lifecycle involves analyzing the risks identified. This involves expert judgement or first level subjective analysis to evaluate which risks are worth spending more time on. This article addresses how to report on such an analysis done.

List of Possible Filterable Field Names in Spira when Using API

When you use our SOAP or REST web service APIs you will often times want to retrieve a filtered list of data. This is done by using the RemoteFilter that lets you query the list of requirements, test cases, tasks, incidents, etc. and pass in the field to be filtered. This article includes the list of standard fields that you can use in the RemoteFilter.

How to access SOAP web services using C# with WCF

This knowledge base article describes how to connect to the SpiraTest, SpiraPlan & SpiraTeam SOAP web services using .NET code written in C#. The code assumes that you're using Visual Studio 2008 or later and are using the newer .NET 3.0+ Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) "Add Service Reference" rather than the older .NET 2.0 ASMX web service client.


Folder List in Chrome 76 corrupted, unclickable - FIXED IN CHROME 77

With a recent update to Google Chrome (v76), Chrome had the CSS engine was modified which would make the sidebar navigation folder tree to become unusable. This issue was resolved by Google with the release of Chrome 77

This article is now obsolete.

Fixing "The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted" error in Spira 5.0 and 5.1

Customers running Spira v5.0 or v5.1 may experience an issue where the system will let you create test case folders that point to one of their children as parent. This causes an infinite loop which will break the system. This article provides a solution to fix the issue (though we recommend upgrading to v5.4 to prevent it happening in the future).

This article is obsolete.
The infinite loop issue was fixed in later versions of Spira.

How to access Spira v4.x SOAP web services using Java

This knowledge base article describes how to connect to the SpiraTest, SpiraPlan & SpiraTeam 4.x SOAP web services using Java code. It assumes that you've generated the SOAP proxy classes using JAX-WS. If you need to download pre-compiled versions of the classes, they can be downloaded from this knowledge base article.

Note: We now recommend customers use our REST web service instead as Java has removed a lot of the JAX-WS classes from the newest versions of the JRE:

Sample code is here: GitHub JUnit Sample.

This article can be considered as obsolete, we now recommend customers use our REST web service instead as Java has removed a lot of the JAX-WS classes from the newest versions of the JRE:

How to access Spira v4.0 SOAP web services using Java

This knowledge base article describes how to connect to the SpiraTest, SpiraPlan & SpiraTeam SOAP web services using Java code. It assumes that you've either generated the SOAP proxy classes using JAX-WS or are using the pre-compiled ones attached to this KB article.

This article is obsolete, we now recommend customers use our REST web service instead as Java has removed a lot of the JAX-WS classes from the newest versions of the JRE:

How to access Spira v3.x SOAP web services using Java

This knowledge base article describes how to connect to the SpiraTest, SpiraPlan & SpiraTeam SOAP web services using Java code. It assumes that you've generated the SOAP proxy classes using JAX-WS. If you need to download pre-compiled versions of the classes, they can be downloaded from our website at:

Note: We now recommend customers use our REST web service instead as Java has removed a lot of the JAX-WS classes from the newest versions of the JRE:

Sample code is here: GitHub JUnit Sample.

Using the Spira REST API to Update Artifacts

One of the most common needs when using the Spira REST API is the ability to update an item in the system (e.g. test case, requirement, task, defect, etc.). This article explains how you can use the REST API to do this.

Example of using Spira v5.0 SOAP API to Filter Test Sets

A customer asked us for some sample code that illustrated how you can retrieve a filtered list of test sets using the Spira API. This example includes sample code using the Spira v5.0 API.

Test Set Execution Status Not Updating When I Run Test Cases

Sometimes customers will contact us regarding questions as to why the execution status indicator of their test sets is not being updated (i.e. everything still looks as not run) even after running some of the test cases. This article explains why this might be the case and provides solutions.

Error Saving Item Due to Old Custom Property Records in Spira 5.x

If you have recently upgraded to Spira v5.x from an earlier version and get an error message saving artifacts that mentions 'XPKTST_ARTIFACT_CUSTOM_PROPERTY' then you may have some old artifact custom property records that are blocking the new item saving

Uploading Screenshots to Spira using the v5.0 REST API

We have had some customers looking to upload files to Spira using our REST API. This article provides some sample code.

Finding Old Projects to Purge for GDPR Compliance

With the establishment of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you now may need to find old SpiraTeam projects that are not active any more so that you can delete them and reduce unnecessary storage of personal data.

Removing News Feed Widget from On-Premise Spira Installations

Some of our customers who have SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, and SpiraTeam installations wanted to know how you can remove the "News Feed" RSS widget from all users' dashboards since it was causing Spira to access the domain.

Best Practices When Using SpiraTeam for V-Model Projects

SpiraTeam has been designed to work with a variety of different software development methodologies, including several different flavors of agile, waterfall and hybrid. This articles describes one of the more popular waterfall methods called the V-Model and gives best practices for how to use SpiraTeam on such projects.

Sample Release Notes Custom Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a simple Release Notes report that can be used to display the list of new features and enhancements / fixed bugs in a specific release. We use a report like that ourselves to generate the Release Notes for our products (Rapise, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, etc.). This article describes how you can create a similar report yourself

Accessing the SpiraTeam Graph Data Grid as CSV

When you display a graph in the SpiraTeam reporting page, you can download a graph as a CSV file. Some customers have asked about ways to get the data making a REST call. This article explains the components of the API.

Creating a SpiraTest custom report with date values (no time component)

Sometimes you want to create a new custom report with a list of fields from SpiraTest that includes the date that a test cases was executed or the date that a defect was logged, but you don't want to clutter the report with the time part. Alternatively you want to join two tables on a date-time field where only a date comparison is needed.

Spira Icons Don't Appear When Running on Internet Explorer 11.0 in v5.x

A couple of our customers have run into a situation where the new font-based glyph icons that we're using in Spira 5.0 don't display. This is usually due to a configuration issue within IE itself, this article provides the recommended solution.

Creating a Link to the Spira Artifact Item in ESQL

One of the customers recently asked about including a link as an additional column in the tabular report so that it is easy for the receiver to directly access the link instead of navigating through the system. This article provides the query to accomplish this request as part of their query.

Creating a Custom Spira Report for Comparing Test Results

A customer asked us the following question:  "I run an automated test suite consisting of the same 250 tests every night.
I'd like to be able to run a report in the morning that shows me the tests that failed, but had passed the previous night.
How can I accomplish this using the reporting mechanism ??"

What Blocked status means for a Test Run

When you run a test with Spira (via RapiseLauncher) you may get a `Blocked` status for a test run. It is displayed in the Test Runs view and Test Sets view both in Spira and Spira Dashboard in Rapise.

Overriding Rapise Settings from SpiraTest

Sometimes you want to override certain Rapise settings (e.g. the Command Interval) from within SpiraTest. For example you might to run one test set more slowly than other test sets because the environment is slower. This article explains how you can easily pass settings values from SpiraTest to Rapise.

How to store Rapise tests in Git and run them with SpiraTeam

In some cases it is convenient to store tests in the same Git repository where source code of an application under test is located. For example, if you are using Visual Studio Team Services.  From this article you will learn how to execute Rapise tests stored in a Git repository with SpiraTeam and leverage the power of SpiraTeam reporting and analysis features.

This article is obsolete. There is much simpler approach with use of RapiseLauncher Extension for Azure DevOps.

How to create Spira-friendly Test Set with shared functions and files

The notion of the integrated test framework usually implies common functions and shared data between tests.  Here we provide sample configuration making sharing Spira-friendly.

This article is obsolete. If you are on Rapise 8.0+ then we recommend to follow the new Framework Mode methodology and start with the Benefits of using the new Framework mode KB article.

Accessing the Spira v4.2 REST API to get test cases in a release

This article describes the process and provides an example for accessing the Spira v4.2 REST API to get a filtered list of test cases in a release.

Purpose behind a Release Clone Option

We had a customer ask recently why this clone option at the release level in Spira did not make a copy of all the artifacts associated in the previous release. This article addresses this question.

How to Import Data into SpiraTest/Team from MS-Excel

This article describes the steps for importing data from an Excel spreadsheet into SpiraTeam. You can use this to import requirements, test cases, tasks, incidents and releases.

Writing a Custom Report to Display the Count of Incidents By Project and Priority

A customer of ours asked for a custom report / graph for displaying the count of incidents by project and by priority.

Integrating Spira On-Premise with KronoDesk - Add Incident Request Fails

We had a customer that was integrating Spira that was hosted on-premise with a cloud instance of KronoDesk. When they used the feature to log the incident in Spira from a KronoDesk ticket, the incident was created in Spira, but the information did not reflect back in KronoDesk, and an error message was displayed.

SpiraTeam and KronoDesk - Upgrade Questions

One of the benefits of using Inflectra software is that you get unlimited upgrades for the first year and as long as you maintain an active service plan. This articles describes the process for upgrading your installation of SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam or KronoDesk to the latest version. It also answers many common questions about the process.

Accessing the Spira 6.0 REST API using C# .NET

We have had several requests for sample code illustrating how to access the Spira 6.0 REST API in C# code. You can of course use the SOAP API instead where Visual Studio auto-generates the C# code for you, but since we have a complete REST Unit Test framework in C#, we are sharing the sample code

Deleting the Sample Users in Spira (for versions 6.4 and earlier)

Sometimes you want to delete the sample users in SpiraTest, SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan. This article explains the steps for doing this.

You can manage and delete all sample data from the "Manage Sample Data" system admin page. 

If this page is not available (for instance you are on a version older than 6.5) you can delete the sample data manually. 

Building a Spira Web Farm with IIS Servers

This document contains an overview of how to setup and configure SpiraTest, SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan in a load balanced web farm scenario. It contains links to additional information from Microsoft, and community resources related to the scenario.

Upgrading Spira Editions - What is The Process?

Customers often ask us about the process for upgrading from SpiraTest to SpiraTeam / SpiraPlan or from SpiraTeam to SpiraPlan. In this article we address some of the common questions for both cloud and on-premise customers.

Uploading Screenshots to Spira using the v6.0 REST API

We have had some customers looking to upload files to Spira using our REST API. This article provides some sample code.

Using the Spira REST API to Remove Test Cases from a Test Set

We had a customer that was looking for a more automated way to remove test cases from a test set. The good news is that our REST API makes this easy.

Architecture Diagrams for SpiraTest, SpiraTeam and SpiraPlan

A customer recently asked us for some diagrams that illustrate the logical system and application architectures for use in their documentation of the system. We thought these diagrams might be useful for our other customers.

Creating a new Test Run in Spira using the v6.0 REST API

Although we have comprehensive documentation published on our website regarding the Spira REST API, sometimes users need some additional examples. In this article we publish an example of how to record a new test run using our REST API.

Tuning SQL Server Databases using SQL Engine Tuning Advisor

The SQL Server Database Engine Tuning Advisor examines how queries are processed in the databases you specify, and then recommends how you can improve query processing performance by modifying database structures such as indexes, indexed views, and partitioning. This can be used by on-premise customers to improve the performance of their Spira and KronoDesk instances.

Installing Spira or KronoDesk with a large SQL Server model database size

When you are installing SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan or KronoDesk on a database server with a large 'model' database sometimes the install will fail because the initial Spira/KronoDesk database is not large enough to contain your model database. This article provides the solution

SpiraTest - GitLab Integration, What Synchronizes?

When you use SpiraTest with GitLab, the synchronization plugin synchronizes some fields unidirectionally and other fields bidirectionally. To clarify the details, this article illustrates which fields are synched and in which directions.

jUnit or TestNG Plugins Receive a 502 Connection reset by Peer error

One of our customers was reporting that their instance of our TestNG plugin was reporting a 502 Connection Reset by Peer error. We did some debugging with them, and the issue appears to be a bug inside some versions of the Java Virtual Machine (VM) itself.

Mapping Spira Requirements to Test Steps in Bulk Using Excel and Rapise

Of the unique needs of a requirements and test management system when working in the Defense industry, specifically when designing, building, and testing mission systems, is the ability to link individual test steps to the requirements. Since v5 of SpiraTest, this has been possible inside the Spira user interface, however many customers have been looking for a way to map test steps to requirements in bulk using Excel.

Creating a Requirements Traceability Support Report

A customer asked us if it was possible to create a version of the requirements traceability report that would not display each of the individual mapped test cases, but instead would give summary counts by priority.

Customizing the Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

We often get enquiries from customers looking to customize some of the reports in Spira. Although our support does not generally extend to writing such reports for customers (we have consultants and partners who would be happy to do it as a service), in this article we explain a common situation that we get asked about.

How do I Recover a Deleted Project in Spira?

Most of the artifacts in Spira are "soft deleted", i.e. they are simply marked with a deleted flag, and can be recovered easily by a project administrator using the Project History Changes option to review the changes, filter by deletes and revert the change. However when a system administrator deletes a whole project, it physically deletes the project and cannot be undone.

SpiraTeam Simplified Test Execution Report

We had a potential customer that was looking to generate simplified test result reports from SpiraTeam that had more details for each of the executed test steps, with full size screenshots displayed, rather than the small table cells that are in the small reports. This article contains an example of such a report.

Displaying the Value of a List Custom Property in Spira Custom Reports

In the standard reports that come with SpiraTeam, we have the 'Detailed' reports that are designed to include a primary artifact (e.g. requirements) and then include tables that display lists of related items (e.g. Tasks, Incidents, etc.). By default, we only show some of the fields in these tables. This article explains how to display the value of specific custom fields in the tables when you customize the standard reports.

iSP-100: Spira Fundamentals Certification
This article enumerates the different skills you need to be self-certified at the training course: Spira iSP-100 fundamentals. The article includes the list of skills in a readable format as well as a downloadable spreadsheet that you can fill out.
Running Selenium WebDriver Scripts using RemoteLaunch and NUnit
This article explains the process for running Selenium WebDriver test scripts written in C# using NUnit, RemoteLaunch and SpiraTest.
DOORS Import DXL Runtime Error
Sometimes when you are using the SpiraTeam Importer for IBM Rational DOORS, you will get a DXL Runtime Error. This article explains the cause and provides the appropriate solution.
Running Selenium WebDriver Scripts using RemoteLaunch and TestNG
This article explains the process for running Selenium WebDriver test scripts written in Java using TestNG, RemoteLaunch and SpiraTest.
Unable to create a new project after upgrading to v4.0
If you have upgraded from Spira v3.2 to v4.0 you may receive a Foreign Key violation error message when you try and create a new project. We have identified the cause and will be adding a fix to patch 003. This article describes an immediate workaround.
Resolving Issue When NUnit doesn't return results back to SpiraTest/Team
When using the Spira Add-In for NUnit that allows you to have NUnit tests report back automatically against test cases in Spira you may run into an issue where the results do not report back and no errors or warnings are displayed. 
Installing SpiraTest, SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam v3.x on SQL Server 2012
When installing Spira on SQL Server 2012 (any edition) using Windows Authentication, you may receive an error message "Cannot Create User" (or similar) during the installation. This is because of a configuration change in SQL Server 2012 (as opposed to earlier versions). This article explains the step needed to prepare SQL Server 2012 for installing Spira v3.x. Newer versions of Spira will not need this step as the installer has been updated.