Articles Tagged 'requirements'

Displaying a Requirements Test Coverage Report by Release

Several customers have asked for a way to display a grid of all the requirements in a product, showing the test coverage for just a specific release or sprint vs. the whole product. We already have a Requirements Regression Coverage graph that shows this information at summary level, but what if we want to see the individual requirements' names. Luckily, Spira custom reports comes to the rescue!

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 2

Sometimes, the analysis of tasks may be associated with both known and unknown releases. Simultaneously, analysis may also involve tasks either associated to requirements within a known release or just stand alone without connection to a release. Furthermore, this analysis may be limited only to the tasks in progress or not started at all. This article addresses how to accomplish this request. 

Requirements Covered in Tests Report, Where the Tests are Filtered

The build in requirements test coverage metrics include all test cases in a project, not just those in specific statuses. This custom report lets you get the count of requirements and the percentage coverage by test cases in a specific status.

Creating a Requirements Traceability Report of Requirements Tests and Defects

A customer asked us if it was possible to create a version of the requirements traceability report that would display the following:

  • Requirement (name and ID)
  • Test Case (name and ID)
  • Test Run (ID and execution status)
  • Incident (ID)
Finding deleted requirements when you only know a child item's ID

Sometimes you have a situation where a user deletes an entire tree of requirements and you only know the ID of one of the child items and not the parent ID that was actually deleted. This KB article provides a query that lets you find all the deleted parents of a specific requirement.

Creating a Custom Requirement Summary Graph using ESQL

A customer recently posted on the forums that they wanted to create a similar graph to the built-in Requirements Summary one using Spira custom graphs and ESQL. In this article we include an example.

Displaying a Test Case - Risk Traceability Matrix Report

With SpiraPlan, you have the ability to create and manage risks, requirements and test cases in the same system. You can use the Associations feature to link the requirements to risks, and the test coverage feature to link requirements to test cases. However, it is often useful to be able to generate a traceability matrix between test cases and their associated risks. This custom report generates such a table for you quickly and easily.

Displaying a Requirements - Risk Exposure Report

With SpiraPlan, you have the ability to create and manage both risks and requirements in the same system. You can use the Associations feature to link the requirements to risks. However, as part of a risk based testing methodology, you will often want to see which of your requirements have the greatest overall, aggregate associated risk. This custom report generates such a view for you quickly and easily.

Displaying a Requirements - Risk Traceability Matrix Report

With SpiraPlan, you have the ability to create and manage both risks and requirements in the same system. You can use the Associations feature to link the requirements to risks. However, it is often useful to be able to generate a traceability matrix between requirements and risks. This custom report generates such a table for you quickly and easily.

Information on Requirement Types and Statuses

A customer recently asked for assistance requirement  documentation on the Inflectra website about help on the various fields available when creating requirements in Spira. 

Specifically, the columns such as Type (List of values = Design element, Epic, Feature, Need, Quality, Use Case, User Story). They needed to understand what was the intended use of each of these fields.  and also the meaning of list of values under the status fields (Planned, Requested, developed etc). They wanted to see if we could provide a more detailed explanation or guide what each list of values means? They did not want to make any incorrect assumptions.

Custom Use Case Requirements Report using Custom Reports

We had a customer that was looking to use the Custom Reporting feature in Spira to generate a simple use case report that matched their existing template and format. This article shows how you can do this yourself.

Displaying a Graph of Requirements Test Coverage by Custom Property

Imagine you have a situation where you want to display a requirements test coverage graph for requirements organized by a multi-select custom property. In this article we show how you can use that property to display a custom graph in the Spira reporting dashboard.

Creating a Report of Requirements Test Coverage Percentages

SpiraTest comes with a built in graph for displaying the requirements' test coverage information. However sometimes you want the raw data and percentages rather than just the graphical form. This KB article shows how you can use the custom reporting functionality to do this.

Creating a Program Requirements Traceability Report in Spira

Some customers have asked us how they can create a program-level requirements traceability report (RTM) in Spira using the custom reporting functionality. This article explains the process.

Entering Mathematical Equations into Requirements

We had a customer ask us what was the recommended way to enter mathematical equations into a requirement in Spira. There are a couple of options depending on several factors:

  • You want to do it 100% natively in Spira, vs. using an external tool with Spira
  • How complex the equation is
  • Does the equation need to be editable after the fact
Importing from DOORS, Should I use importer or ReqIF File?

A prospective customer asked us to elaborate on the pros and cons of importing into SpiraTeam using either ReqIF or the DOORS importer plug-in?

Querying Child Requirements in a Custom Report

In our standard requirements traceability report, we display a list of test cases associated with the current requirement. However for parent requirements (Epics) that have child requirements that map to test cases, they are don't display the child requirements' test cases. This article explains how you can modify the report to include them.

Creating a Simplifed Custom Requirements Report

We recently needed to get a report of a set of requirements and include the associated tasks and enhancements/bugs related to the new requirements so that we could have a virtual design session. We took the standard Requirements Detailed Report and make some changes. This article provides that report in case you ever need something similar

Creating a Custom Report with Grouped Headings

A customer asked us how we could group the data in a report by a sub-heading. For example, suppose you want to display a list of all the Components, and under each component, show a table of associated requirements. Well your trusty friend XSLT 1.0 comes to the rescue.

Enabling Trace Logging on Sparx Enterprise Architect Importer

When you run the Sparx Enterprise Architect (EA) importer it should import requirements from Sparx EA into Spira (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam or SpiraPlan). If that doesn't happen then you may need to enable trace logging to see what's going on.

Simple Requirements Document Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a way to generate a report that would be a human readable requirements document. The built-in requirements detailed report often has more information that is needed in such a report.  This article describes how to create such a report.

Mapping Spira Requirements to Test Steps in Bulk Using Excel and Rapise

Of the unique needs of a requirements and test management system when working in the Defense industry, specifically when designing, building, and testing mission systems, is the ability to link individual test steps to the requirements. Since v5 of SpiraTest, this has been possible inside the Spira user interface, however many customers have been looking for a way to map test steps to requirements in bulk using Excel.

DOORS Import DXL Runtime Error
Sometimes when you are using the SpiraTeam Importer for IBM Rational DOORS, you will get a DXL Runtime Error. This article explains the cause and provides the appropriate solution.
Useful constants when calling the Spira API
Sometimes when using our SOAP or REST APIs there are constants that are useful for some of the filters. In many cases they are included in the build-in API documentation, but sometimes they are not listed. This article details some of the release/requirement ones that may be useful:
MSDTC Causing Issues Creating Requirements & Use Cases on Spira 4.1
If you are running Spira v4.1 and you have the situation where you cannot create requirements or use case steps, please read this article for instructions on how to fix the issue.