Articles Tagged 'coverage'

Quality Metrics: Test Case Coverage Metric

The Cost of Quality (CoQ) is about both product quality and process quality. As part of these considerations, quality assurance can focus on additional patterns. In this article, we will discuss how to graphically show the test case coverage metric.

Displaying a Requirements Test Coverage Report by Release

Several customers have asked for a way to display a grid of all the requirements in a product, showing the test coverage for just a specific release or sprint vs. the whole product. We already have a Requirements Regression Coverage graph that shows this information at summary level, but what if we want to see the individual requirements' names. Luckily, Spira custom reports comes to the rescue!

Requirements Covered in Tests Report, Where the Tests are Filtered

The build in requirements test coverage metrics include all test cases in a project, not just those in specific statuses. This custom report lets you get the count of requirements and the percentage coverage by test cases in a specific status.

Displaying a Graph of Requirements Test Coverage by Custom Property

Imagine you have a situation where you want to display a requirements test coverage graph for requirements organized by a multi-select custom property. In this article we show how you can use that property to display a custom graph in the Spira reporting dashboard.

Creating a Report of Requirements Test Coverage Percentages

SpiraTest comes with a built in graph for displaying the requirements' test coverage information. However sometimes you want the raw data and percentages rather than just the graphical form. This KB article shows how you can use the custom reporting functionality to do this.