Articles Tagged 'ai'

AiRobot Public Module

AiRobot utilizes Anthropic Computer Use feature to enable automated exploratory testing. This also allows execution of some manual test directly with minimal or no conversion.

AiTester Public Module

Rapise 8.3 introduces AI-powered capabilities for executing test cases. To leverage this feature, integrate the AiTester public page object into your framework. With AiTester, you can send text and image-augmented queries to AI models hosted by  OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and Amazon Bedrock. Example applications include generating data, performing image-based verifications (e.g., detecting discrepancies or counting visual elements), and more.

Importing Manual Test Cases from Spira to Rapise

If you have manual tests saved in Spira and want to automate some of them, you can import these tests into a Rapise Framework. From there, you can automate the steps using the record-and-edit features or leverage AI tools for automation.

What is Migrated by the TestRail Migration Tool?

We have had some questions asked about the TestRail migration tool. This KB provides some additional information about what is migrated and how the artifacts relate between SpiraTest and TestRail.

Long Running Import Tasks into Spira Failing

Many of our customers are importing from other tools, such as HP QC, HP ALM, Microsoft Test Manager, TestRail, etc. We have convenient import tools for these products. However sometimes these import tasks can fail due to interruptions. This article provides some solutions

Setting up Incident Workflow Transitions and Notifications

A workflow is a predefined sequence of incident statuses linked together by “workflow transitions”.  Incident statuses and workflow transitions are highly configurable. This article gives an overview of workflow transitions.

How to email everyone in the system

This article explains how you can use a custom report to get a list of all the email addresses of the users of a Spira installation:

Testing Adobe AIR Applications on Mobile Devices

We have had a couple of questions about whether Rapise can test Adobe AIR based applications running on mobile devices using platforms such as Android. This article provides some background and also describes the support Rapise has.


[We have depreciated support for testing Adobe Flex/Flash applications in Rapise 5.0 and later, so this article is provided for use by existing customers]

Adobe Flash / Flex / AIR Support in Rapise

Rapise 4.0 supports the testing of Adobe AIR Flex applications using the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR). Rapise can test applications using a wide variety of different Flex controls and supports testing both Flex 3 and Flex 4 applications.

Rapise 4.0 supports the testing of Adobe Flex applications that are executed by the Adobe Flash Player inside the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers. Rapise can test applications using a wide variety of different Flex controls and supports testing both Flex 3 and Flex 4 applications.

[We have depreciated support for testing Adobe Flex/Flash applications in Rapise 5.0 and later, so this article is provided for use by existing customers]

Different Ways of Slowing Down Rapise to Handle Slow Applications

We often get requests for ways to slow down the playback speed of Rapise so that the application under test (AUT) has time to respond. This article describes the different ways and provides suggestions as to when you should use each one.

Adding Support for Custom Flex Controls

By default the Rapise Flex library supports a wide variety of Flex controls which will be capable of testing the majority of application. However sometimes there will be an unknown objects which will be learnt as a generic object with FlexObject flavor. The article describes support for such custom Flex controls.

This article is obsolete. Flex support was removed from Rapise since Flex is dead already for a long time.

How to send an email via Office 365 account with OAuth

In the past we could use basic authentication to send an email but today this method of authentication is considered insecure and is disabled in major email services like Office 365 and Gmail. Read this article to learn how to send an email via SMTP with OAuth using Office 365 account.

Troubleshooting Emails Not Being Received from Spira or KronoDesk

Sometimes when you use Spira or KronoDesk and perform actions (e.g. assigning bugs, test cases, etc.) email notifications are not received correctly. This article provides some common reasons and solutions

Inflectra Cloud Standard Maintenance Schedule

This article provides some information on the maintenance activities we do on our cloud platform

Windows Calculator

For Rapise training purposes we may need a simple desktop application that can be executed on any Windows version. What can be simpler than Windows Calculator?

Global.DoWaitFor vs Global.DoWaitForProperty

The most commonly used synchronization option to make Rapise wait until the application under test (AUT) is ready is the Global.DoSleep action. However having just a sleep may cause an unnecessary delay because we have to consider the maximum wait interval and it may be much less on average. Rapise includes some additional synchronization options for more fine grained control of the test case flow.

Waiting Until Application Ready

Sometimes you need to synchronize the test script so that it waits for a specific application event (change for status message or wait for some specific value). This guide explains how to ensure that Rapise waits for the appropriate condition.

TeamCity Spira Plugin Does Not Save Global Settings

When you are first using the SpiraTeam plugin for JetBrains TeamCity, you may run into the issue where the settings for TeamCity are not being saved correctly.

iRP-100: Rapise Fundamentals Certification

This article enumerates the different skills you need to be self-certified at the training course: Rapise iRP-100 fundamentals. The article includes the list of skills in a readable format as well as a downloadable spreadsheet that you can fill out.

iKD-100: KronoDesk Fundamentals Certification

This article enumerates the different skills you need to be self-certified at the training course: KronoDesk iKD-100 fundamentals. The article includes the list of skills in a readable format as well as a downloadable spreadsheet that you can fill out.

iSP-100: Spira Fundamentals Certification
This article enumerates the different skills you need to be self-certified at the training course: Spira iSP-100 fundamentals. The article includes the list of skills in a readable format as well as a downloadable spreadsheet that you can fill out.
Inflectra Training Certifications
This article contains a sample spreadsheet that describes each of the course modules for being trained on our products:
  • SpiraTeam
  • Rapise
  • KronoDesk

Please download the spreadsheet and use to help self-certify your skills and competency with our products.

Common Email Sending Issues when using SpiraTeam or KronoDesk
It is a common need to be able to connect our products (SpiraTest, SpiraPlan, SpiraTeam and KronoDesk) to a mail server. If we are hosting it in our cloud, then we take care of this for you, however if you are hosting it yourselves, you need to connect Spira or KronoDesk to an SMTP mailserver. This article provides answers to some common mail questions.