I read in this post that I should be able to get Email notifications when a comment is added to ...
It's very convenient to email somebody an artifact and request -- through the subject -- that the r...
Hi, Im missing some settings in Email notification events setup. Our use-case is: 1. Manua...
Hi team, Could you please guide me on the email notification issue. Email notifications are ...
When I enter a new requirement, I'm receiving two identical e-mail messages. This is a self-hosted s...
Hi, can I get reminder mail on my tasks in SpiraTeam.
It seems that the 'Email this artefact to' button has disappeared from the Incident detail ...
2 posts
September 29, 2015
Hello, There is currently a stange issue with sending email notifications to the SpiraTest users. ...
Hi there, In a notification main which includes some comments, I want to see the commects odered ...
Dear Inflectra Support Team, I have a problem when I create a new incident. When I create an...
Hello, is it possible to set email notification for owner of test set in case of planned date ove...
When in the Requirement Details view for a "requirement", pressing the Email button sends the requi...