Articles Tagged 'task'

Creating custom report of Release Task progress with inline graph

Existing Release Task progress widget (Product home page -> Development tab) displays the status for top 4 releases.
In case you need to have the full list of the releases and their task progress then custom reporting functionality of Spira will help to deliver that.

Analyzing Overdue Tasks

One of the frequent activities that is monitored in a plan-driven project is the schedule delays due to tasks. This article helps visualizing the tasks across the iterations to evaluate any task delay patterns that can be addressed.  

Task Priority Analysis by Priority of Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal in a project! Some activities may not contribute to the MVP and will be a "nice to have" rather than "must to have." Therefore, the analysis of tasks within a project may also look at the priority types of the tasks. This article addresses this need.

Task Analysis by Type of Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal in a project! Some activities may not contribute to the MVP and will be a "nice to have" rather than "must to have." Therefore, the analysis of tasks within a project may also look at ideas based on the type of tasks. This article addresses this need.

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 2

Sometimes, the analysis of tasks may be associated with both known and unknown releases. Simultaneously, analysis may also involve tasks either associated to requirements within a known release or just stand alone without connection to a release. Furthermore, this analysis may be limited only to the tasks in progress or not started at all. This article addresses how to accomplish this request. 

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 1

Analyzing tasks is not limited to project releases. Sometimes, tasks may be unassigned to a release further impacting how certain project releases can't even start. So, applying Pareto level (80/20 rule) thoughts can be extended to dig deeper into the tasks. This article helps with this approach.   

Implementing Sorting and Filtering on Tasks using XSLT

In one of the training sessions on reporting, a request came up on how data in the XSLT can be sorted similar to ordering results using the ORDER BY clause in ESQL. Both ESQL and XSLT offer its own power which is beyond the scope of this article. But, this article explains a simple way to sort the folders and the tasks in these folders by filtering out the tasks in the root folder and filtering tasks that do not have a name filled in.

Generating a Report of Artifacts that have Invalid Dates

Sometimes you will load in data into SpiraTeam using Excel, Google Sheets or other methods where you end up with dates that are invalid, for example tasks that have an end date before their start date! This article explains how you can use a custom report to quickly find them.

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TASK_WORKFLOW_ID', table

During the upgrade of an older version of Spira v6.x to the latest version of Spira v6.x the installer logs the following:

Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TASK_WORKFLOW_ID', table 'SpiraTest.dbo.TST_TASK_TYPE'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.  The statement has been terminated. [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]

Creating a Simplifed Custom Requirements Report

We recently needed to get a report of a set of requirements and include the associated tasks and enhancements/bugs related to the new requirements so that we could have a virtual design session. We took the standard Requirements Detailed Report and make some changes. This article provides that report in case you ever need something similar