Articles Tagged 'release'

Creating custom report of Release Task progress with inline graph

Existing Release Task progress widget (Product home page -> Development tab) displays the status for top 4 releases.
In case you need to have the full list of the releases and their task progress then custom reporting functionality of Spira will help to deliver that.

How do you add all the test cases in a test set to a release

A customer asked us if it is possible to have the test cases in an existing test set added to a new release without having to add them one by one? The answer is yes. Learn how...

How do you add all the test cases in a release to a test set

A customer asked us if it is possible to have the test cases in a release added to a test set before the test set is run without having to add them one by one?

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 2

Sometimes, the analysis of tasks may be associated with both known and unknown releases. Simultaneously, analysis may also involve tasks either associated to requirements within a known release or just stand alone without connection to a release. Furthermore, this analysis may be limited only to the tasks in progress or not started at all. This article addresses how to accomplish this request. 

Releases and Iterations - What Rolls Up?

Customers sometimes contact us with questions about how the Releases and Iterations in Spira work, specifically what kinds of data (test status, task progress, etc.) roll up from an iteration to a minor release, and from a minor release to a  major release. Also they want to know whether iterations are included when you filter by release. This article provides some clarifications.

Sample Release Notes Custom Report

Customers sometimes ask us for a simple Release Notes report that can be used to display the list of new features and enhancements / fixed bugs in a specific release. We use a report like that ourselves to generate the Release Notes for our products (Rapise, SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, etc.). This article describes how you can create a similar report yourself

Purpose behind a Release Clone Option

We had a customer ask recently why this clone option at the release level in Spira did not make a copy of all the artifacts associated in the previous release. This article addresses this question.

Sample Custom Report - Release Notes

A customer posted a question about a sample custom report generated from Spira. In this example we show how we use the custom reporting tools in Spira to generate the release notes of another one of our products Rapise.

Pie Chart of Test Run by Status for Release

Sometimes customers need to show a Graph with all the Test Runs by status for a specific Release in Spira. This article explains how to use the custom graphing engine to achieve this.

When creating a release, an error states that the version number has already been used.

Sometimes, when you try to create a new release, a error message says that "You need to choose a Version Number that's not already been used." But you cannot find a release with that version number.

Useful constants when calling the Spira API
Sometimes when using our SOAP or REST APIs there are constants that are useful for some of the filters. In many cases they are included in the build-in API documentation, but sometimes they are not listed. This article details some of the release/requirement ones that may be useful: