Articles Tagged 'powershell'

How to send an email via Office 365 account with OAuth

In the past we could use basic authentication to send an email but today this method of authentication is considered insecure and is disabled in major email services like Office 365 and Gmail. Read this article to learn how to send an email via SMTP with OAuth using Office 365 account.

Using RemoteLaunch to Execute a Powershell Script

This guide will cover how to initially install and configure RemoteLaunch (not RemoteLaunchX) and the Command-Line execution engine as well as creating and scheduling PowerShell script executions.  It will also cover how to pass data into PowerShell and receive test results.

RemoteLaunch v5.1.0.0 was used to create this guide.


How to run a PowerShell script in Rapise test

To run a PowerShell script use Global.DoLaunch action.