This article describes how you create / modify the XSLT report templates in Spira to include embedded images without having to manually embed them in the artifacts. It uses the ability of the XSLT reports to have an <IMG> tag in the report template that references the attachment URL.
This articles provides the solution to the following error messages that you may receive in Spira if you have missing default project attachment types/folders for a project:
APPLICATION.Business.Attachment::Insert: Inflectra.SpiraTest.Business.ProjectDefaultAttachmentTypeException, Can't locate the default project attachment type for project XorAPPLICATION.Business.Attachment::Insert: Inflectra.SpiraTest.Business.ProjectDefaultAttachmentFolderException, Can't locate the default project folder for project X
This article is obsolete, since new versions of Spira have this issue already resolved and do not require any manual intervention to correct the possible error message.
A customer asked us how you could create a custom report that shows the following information in a single table:
We have had some customers looking to upload files to Spira using our REST API. This article provides some sample code.
We often get questions about how the attachments in SpiraTeam are stored, and what the relationship is between the X.dat files on the file system and the original filenames. This articles provides information on this.
Sometimes customers want to download their list of tickets and file attachments. This article explains how to read the data that we provide.