Change Title of Test Runs?

Saturday, April 17, 2021

When I start executing a test, can I change the title of the testrun, so that I can distinguish different test runs for one test case?

I have seen that it is possible for exploratory test cases, but I would like to do it also on functional test cases.

2 Replies
Saturday, April 17, 2021
re: csieber Saturday, April 17, 2021

I'm afraid not.

You could try using test sets instead?


Saturday, April 17, 2021
re: inflectra.david Saturday, April 17, 2021

Hi David,

I do use test sets, which often include multiple instances of one test cases - each with a different parameter set.

Therefore, when I execute them from within the test set, it would be nice to be able to give different titles for the run, otherwise they are all the same in the test run list...

Regards, Cornelia

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  • Started: Saturday, April 17, 2021
  • Last Reply: Saturday, April 17, 2021
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 3537