Is it possible change the order of Usernames attributes

Monday, April 8, 2019

Hello All,

i would like to start a discuss about my case. 

In my country we generaly use the names with this template: %surename% %forename%.

But in the spirateam we just find our names with this template:  %forename% %surename%.

Is it possible to change order of names on the pages (for example profile page, or generally on the top-right of pages at login user box) and in the user type properties (owner, creater, etc...)?

The most important for us those input properties wich has quick search function, because we automatically start type first characters of our surenames.

So, can we configure this order? If it is possible, where can i find that and how can i do that?


Thanks in advance for response!


1 Replies
Saturday, April 13, 2019
re: gergelytakacs Monday, April 8, 2019


Unfortunately that is not currently possible. However I have raised it as a change request to our team.



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  • Started: Monday, April 8, 2019
  • Last Reply: Saturday, April 13, 2019
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2585