Multiple users - web browser usage

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hi all,

We're using Rapise on a single VM with multiple users that log in as a separate (AD) user at the same time, and each one has a separate user folder (C:\Users\<username>).

Rapise is installed in the standard folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Inflectra\Rapise).

We're developing tests for both Dynamics AX and Web Browser.

When running the tests for the Chrome HTML web browser at the same time, the test runs get mixed up...  Tests for the pages that the other user is running start on my browser and vice versa for the other user. The tests get swapped and mixed up and we can't develop or run tests at the same time...

Rapise uses one config file (for all users), so we can't use separate (portable) browsers.


Any suggestions?


2 Replies
Friday, October 5, 2018
re: Hristovski Thursday, October 4, 2018

When you save Rapise tests locally, they save in the 'My Rapise Tests', which is local for each user, so there should be no problem there.

However if you are using Rapise with SpiraTest and RapiseLauncher to execute tests from SpiraTest, then they are saved to a central temp folder and may get mixed up.

When running tests from Spira, we recommend only logging into each VM with one user. That's why we have Automation Hosts that let you run the same test simultaneously on different VMs.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018
re: inflectra.jimx Friday, October 5, 2018

We have no problems with the actual tests, they are kept in central repository.

Running Dynamics AX tests is not a problem.

The only problem are the web browser tests; running (Chrome HTML) browser tests simultaneously is getting them mixed up.

We tried creating and using different users on Chrome. We cannot use separate Dev or Beta, since they are configured in Rapise settings which are common for all users.

We cannot use Chrome Webdriver on any of the VM's, since it throws an error and doesn't work properly on the VM. The error is:

[17072:14292:1010/] Error in on line 517

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  • Started: Thursday, October 4, 2018
  • Last Reply: Wednesday, October 10, 2018
  • Replies: 2
  • Views: 6556