Issue with Capture screenshot

Thursday, December 4, 2014



While using your demo version for Rapise Automation Tool, I was facing some issue on Capturing the screenshots (When objects are not found), I used the below code.

I tried the help document provided, but still unable to resolve the issue, could you please guide me to the exact flow on how we can capture screenshots while execution when objects are not found.


var desktopWnd = g_util.GetDesktopWindow();

var img = new ActiveXObject("SeSWrappers.Utils.ImageWrapper");

  img.Capture(desktopWnd.PosX, desktopWnd.PosY, desktopWnd.PosWidth, desktopWnd.PosHeight);

var d = new Date();

var img = new ActiveXObject("SeSWrappers.Utils.ImageWrapper");

//"Img\Img" & Day(Date)& Month(Date) & Year(Date) & Hour(Now) & Minute(Now) & Second(Now) &".jpg"

var strDateTime = d.getDate()+"_"+d.getMonth()+"_"+d.getFullYear()+"_"+d.getHours()+"_"+d.getMinutes()+"_"+d.getSeconds()+".jpg";

  g_reportHtmlPath = "path"+strDateTime;;



object is unidentified on “

1 Replies
Monday, December 8, 2014
re: neeta.shevkar Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hi Neeta

This is no longer needed, this was only used on early versions of Rapise (v1.3 and earlier).

Please refer to this document:

The way with the current versions is just to change the Screen Capture setting of the current test.



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  • Started: Thursday, December 4, 2014
  • Last Reply: Monday, December 8, 2014
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 2716