KronoDesk includes an extensive library of printable reports and graphical charts. The reports can be customized through extensible XML based report templates. The supported report formats include: MS-Word, MS-Excel, HTML, Adobe Acrobat and XML.
KronoDesk allows you to build a customized reporting dashboard featuring your frequently-used graphs, charts and reports:
The data behind the graphs can be displayed and exported to a CSV/Excel file:
In addition to the reporting center, all customer support agents and managers can export their assigned tickets to Excel or other spreadsheet tool with a single click:
KronoDesk can produce printable reports, documents and spreadsheets from the data in the system using the rich library of standard reports. The formats supported include MS-Word, MS-Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF, HTML and XML.
Each report can be configured by users, with the option to include different elements, filter by any of the built-in or custom fields, and sort a variety of different options.
The generated reports are designed to be customer-ready and make it easy to manage your compliance and reporting needs as well perform business intelligence and data analytics on your support organization.
And if you have any questions, please email or call us at +1 (202) 558-6885
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