Changing the Data Synchronization to Run in 32-bit Mode

When you use the ADO/MSTFS data-synchronization MsTfsDataSync.dll and put it in the SpiraTeam Bin or DataSync folder it will case the error to appear in the event log during synchronization:

Could not load file or assembly 'MsTfsDataSync' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

This message is displayed because the DataSyncService.exe is also running in 64-bit mode. To fix the issue, download the replacement DataSyncService.exe file from the Attachments tab of this ticket. This has been recompiled to work in x86 mode. We have the following versions attached to this ticket:

In addition, for those customers using the DesktopDataSync with our hosted service, we have updated the main Desktop Data Sync installation package to install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions in separate folders. So you no longer need to get a different version from this article. Instead in the Windows Start Menu, choose the DesktopDataSync (32-bit) to use with TFS.

The location of where this file should go depends on the version of SpiraTeam that you are using:

  • SpiraTeam v6.8.0.2 or earlier: C:\Program Files\SpiraTeam\Bin
  • SpiraTeam or later: C:\Program Files\SpiraTeam\DataSync

Using with Versions of Spira 6.9 or Earlier

In addition, when you use the ADO/MSTFS data-synchronization DLL with Spira v6.9 or earlier, and put the MSTFS synchronization DLL in the SpiraTeam Bin folder it will case the error to appear:

Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Client.Cache' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

What you need to do therefore is just open up the IIS Management Console, locate the SpiraTeam Application Pool (called SpiraTeam AppPool) and switch it to run as a 32-bit application.

This step is no longer needed for Spira versions 6.10 or later as we moved the data synchronization service to its own DataSync folder to get rid of this problem.