Posts Tagged 'Tips'

Top Ten Tips on Using Spira for the First Time

September 3, 2024

Speed and quality are critical to launching a new product fastest against competition or delivering "go live" after changes/integrations with minimal disruption to operations. Our R&D team is constantly updating Spira with at least 10 releases a year based on customer feedback. In this article, our APAC Regional Director - Camille Baumann shares her top ten tips for using the platform.

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Getting Spira Notifications Using RSS Feeds

October 27, 2021

Sometimes customers would like to have a quick and easy way of getting notified when artifacts in Spira change in such a way that they meet specific exception criteria. For example, they would like to be notified when test cases fail or a test set is overdue. Rather than bombarding users with yet more emails, Spira has a handy feature to bring these notifications right to you via. RSS.

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Tipsy Testing - Inflectra Virtual Happy Hour

August 27, 2020

When the global pandemic induced lockdowns world-wide and trapped Team Inflectra indoors in mid-March 2020, we started to think about how we could limit the disruption it caused to our team, but also our fans everywhere. With everyone working remotely, we soon realized we craved others' company and wanted to stay in touch. We found that the best way to stay connected to our partners, customers, fans, and friends was through weekly virtual happy hours. We called these casual get-togethers Tipsy Testing - to emphasize their loose focus on software testing, agile management, DevOps, software engineering, and project management. Tipsy Testing is unscripted and is completely listener-driven, as we try to answer as many listener-supplied questions as we can cover in an hour-long segment. 

Importantly, Tipsy Testing is about supporting each other, making new friends, sharing productivity tips and tricks, learning from one another, and discovering fancy, often local breweries and delicious artisanal cocktails along the way. 

Here is where Tipsy Testing stands today:

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Clone, Copy and Split - What's the Difference?

April 13, 2020

Several of our users have mentioned that in Spira we have different options for duplicating items, including Copy, Clone and for some artifacts Split. In this article we shed some light on the different options and how you can use them.

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Quickly See Your SpiraPlan Things To Do On iOS 12 Using The Shortcuts App

October 3, 2018

With iOS 12 Apple introduced a new application called Shortcuts. This is an evolution of the excellent Workflow app and let's iPhone and iPad users create some amazingly cool and useful shortcuts. With the touch of a button your phone can do a whole load of things at once. Want to take a nap? Make a shortcut that will dim the lights, put on some soothing music, and put on Do Not Disturb for an hour. Want to be productive? Why not get a list of all your requirements, incidents, or tasks in SpiraPlan and choose, right from the Shortcuts app, what you want to work on.

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SpiraTeam: Frequently Asked Questions & Best Practices

February 13, 2018

We recently surveyed one of our key training partners - Agile Training Champions, and asked them to let us know what were some of the most common questions about SpiraTeam that people have, as well as some of the best practices they recommend. In this article, we cover some of the items that frequently come up during training, so that you can benefit from them.

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Tip of the Day: The Best Way to Assign Test Cases to Your Testers

July 6, 2017

One of the questions we get asked a lot by new users of SpiraTest is:

What is the best way to assign test cases to my users so that they can do their testing?

This article discusses the different options and provides the best solutions for your situation.

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Work Faster with Keyboard Shortcuts

June 23, 2016

This post in our series about whats new in SpiraTeam 5.0 focuses on a brand new feature to help you work smarter and faster. If you didn't know it was there you may never notice it, but this post will highlight some of the ways our new keyboard shortcut system can help you. Do you have ideas for keyboard shortcuts we could add in the future? Let us know in the comments

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Tips and Tricks Using Rapise

March 22, 2016

Sometimes when we speak to customers we realize that they are desperately missing a feature in Rapise, and ironically in some cases the feature in question is already part of Rapise but they just didn't know about it! So in this blog post we illustrate a couple of handy but lesser known tricks when using Rapise for automated testing.

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Command Line - Taking command for the power tester

September 30, 2014

It seems funny, but sometimes the most powerful trick in your bag can be some of your oldest knowledge. If you ever want to show your true power and put a newbie in their place just type in CMD and start dancing through shell commands. These little nuggets always work and are not reliant on the interface to perform their duties. Done correctly they can provide information that is three or four layers deep in Windows. Read More