Posts Tagged 'Software Testing'

Inflectra, LambdaTest and DevOpsDC Meetup's Joint Event on DevOps, Testing and AI

April 4, 2024

Inflectra, in collaboration with LambdaTest and DevOpsDC, co-hosted a meetup event in Arlington, VA, on April 4, 2024. The event attracted local professionals, enthusiasts, and thought leaders from DevOps, software testing, and artificial intelligence. It offered a mix of insightful discussions, Q&A, and relaxed networking opportunities. Continue reading to get an in-depth look at the event highlights.

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Importance of Testing Software for Life Sciences

August 23, 2023

In the vital fields of life sciences and healthcare, the integration of technology has been pivotal. This industry relies on various software solutions ranging from medical device control to telehealth platforms, all demanding rigorous testing to ensure accuracy, safety, and regulatory compliance. Software Quality Assurance (QA) plays an essential role in upholding the integrity and reliability of these digital tools. At Inflectra, we offer Rapise, a cutting-edge solution for automated testing, providing the precision and security required in these precision-driven sectors. With Rapise, you can confidently meet the industry's demands, ensuring software that resonates with patient trust and well-being.


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Spotlight on Spira 6.8 - Enhanced BDD and Gherkin Support

February 24, 2021

We are excited about the next release of Spira 6.8, due to be released in March. As we described in a recent blog post, this new version includes major enhancements to the documents management module to allow users the create and edit inline content directly in Spira. However this new feature also makes it amazing easy to write BDD style requirements and test cases in Spira using Gherkin syntax with automatic syntax highlighting. Intrigued, well read on...

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From Bunkum to Bank with SpiraPlan | InflectraCon 2020 IRL

November 2, 2020

Today, we present an InflectraCon 2020 IRL talk by our Sponsor - Influence IT Consulting. The session focuses on how SpiraPlan was implemented in an Australian neo-bank to help organize, manage, and test ready for the initial launch. Enjoy the presentation below!

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Implementing a Large HR ERP System using SpiraPlan at EY | InflectraCon 2020 IRL

October 27, 2020

In early October 2020, we hosted Inflectra's annual user conference - InflectraCon. In 2020, we have dedicated InflectraCon to Agile Software Testing and DevOps theme and held it virtually. InflectraCon 2020 combined multiple tracks, of which, one - called Inflectra in Real Life or IRL in short - showcased the various uses of the Inflectra platforms (SpiraTest, SpiraTeam, SpiraPlan, Rapise, Kronodesk, etc.). 

Today, we'd like to share with you an interview with our Dutch Partner - Robust-IT as part of the InfletraCon 2020 IRL track. The interview highlights the benefits that EY found adopting the SpiraPlan platform for managing the entire implementation and rollout of SAP SuccessFactors.

Enjoy the recording of the interview below!

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Test Automation Training While You Are Teleworking

March 27, 2020

As we discussed in our blog on Teletesting (testing while teleworking), working from home has its challenges, with difficulties in setting work/home boundaries, avoiding distractions and knowing when to take a break. However teleworking and being at home during a quarantine or lockdown is a perfect time to brush up on your skills and get some training. So, building on our new Rapise Quick Start implementation packages, we are pleased to offer some free training while you are sequestered.

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Seamless Migration from Micro Focus UFT to Rapise (Part 1)

October 31, 2019

Many organizations are looking to update their software testing processes and tools, with an industry-wide move away from some of the older, monolithic legacy suites from vendors such as Micro Focus (formerly HP, and Mercury Interactive before that) to more modern tools. At Inflectra, we have partnered with Neotys to provide an integrated suite comprising: SpiraTeam, Rapise and NeoLoad that lets companies have test management, functional testing, and load testing all in one. Migrating from ALM/QualityCenter to SpiraTeam is easy using our free migration tool, and migration from LoadRunner to NeoLoad was possible using a conversion utility, however automatically converting from UFT / QTP to Rapise was not so easy.... until today!

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Inflectra Creates Harmony in the Software Development Universe

September 27, 2019

The tempo of software development is always increasing. With the adoption of agile methodologies, the move to continuous integration and deployment, and the use of DevOps platforms, it seems that everything needs to be done faster. In this maelstrom of activity, we at Inflectra want to help customers avoid the chaos of missed deadlines, and unfulfilled requirements... and bring harmony. Learn how and why!

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You Did Not Know It Was Called Black Box Testing

August 9, 2017

Have you ever wondered about what it is called when you test a system by interacting with it solely through external interfaces, without looking inside?

Wonder no more – it is called Black Box Testing!  

So, when do you use black box testing? What are some of the approaches in the black box testing? Which elements of software's design may help you make black box testing more effective?

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The Top 5 Software Testing Pitfalls

June 2, 2017

You're testing the latest release of your software. Time is tight as always. Your mission is to find serious bugs, so they can be reported and fixed before the product goes out to customers.

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Preview of SpiraTest v5.2 - Testing Enhancements

April 24, 2017

We're very excited about the next version of SpiraTest (also SpiraPlan and SpiraTeam) coming out on April 26th. It includes a set of enhancements to the test management functionality that were a favorite of our testers at the recent user summits in Europe. In this article, we'd like to highlight three of these popular changes: 

Read more on how these upgrades to SpiraTest will make your life as a test manager much easier

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Going the Extra Mile with SpiraTest v5.2

March 15, 2017

Over the years, we have received countless requests to introduce a feature allowing users to "hand-off" a test run that is already in progress from one tester to another. This lets person A do some testing and then dynamically hand it over to person B who can finish off the test run. In the current version (5.1) you have to start a new test execution. Well now.... despite us telling customers that this feature would probably not be included in Spiratest v5.2, we have some good news and some better news:

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Spira 5 Beta - Take a Look at Test Execution in Action

April 19, 2016

Thanks again to all of our loyal customers that provided feedback and suggestions for the test execution screens in SpiraTest / SpiraTeam. We have released a beta version with the new screens. Please take a look and let us know what you think.

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What to Do When Your Testers Are Addicted to Word and Excel?

March 25, 2016

Many of our customers have spent much of their testing career managing tests in Word or Excel. These tools are flexible, ubiquitous, and easy to use. But they are also fiddly, inefficient, and hard to manage over time. SpiraTest addresses these downsides, bringing a host of other pluses too. For people looking to combine the best of both (SpiraTest and more traditional tools), WorX (from Autom8) may well be what you are looking for.

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Why and How Should I Use Test Automation?

February 26, 2016

The average test plan for a commercial grade application will have between 2,000 and 10,000 test cases. Your test team of five must manually execute and document results for between 400 and 2,000 test cases. And the scheduled release date of your product is fast approaching. No worries; clone your team and work around the clock. Or perhaps there’s a better way... Read More

Testing or Rubberstamping that is the Question!

January 5, 2016

Have you ever been in this situation - the project manager arrives red-faced into the room, looking nervously at the calendar, "why is the testing taking so long? The development is done and we need to go live next week? You have had a good week to test the system, aren't you done yet"

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Are You Testing in the Right Direction?

October 29, 2015

Over the years, we have had a couple of customers in the past struggle with using SpiraTest with their 'defect-centric' view of testing. SpiraTest was originally designed to follow a requirements-centric approach. A defect-centric approach isn't unreasonable per se, but many customers don't realize that they are even using this approach and wonder why SpiraTest works the way it does. This article is taken from a real customer 'eureka' moment and hopefully will help others in the same position.

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The Meaning of ‘Done’

June 19, 2015

“Is it done?” A question with possibly dangerous answers, at least where cooking is concerned. With software development an incorrect “Yes” could mean customers get low quality, buggy software Read More

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is Not Dead

June 4, 2015

There has recently been an outbreak of criticism of TDD, to the point where some have claimed that TDD is dead! Is this a real reflection of trends in testing practice, or noise intended to draw attention? Read this article to find out! Read More

Manual & Exploratory Testing with Rapise 3.0

May 18, 2015

Are you looking to improve your software testing? Are you tired of writing test cases 'the old fashioned way'. This article summarizes some of the key points from our recent Webinar on Manual & Exploratory Testing.

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User Story Testability

March 5, 2015

The language used to define user stories in Agile projects tends to be less prescriptive than that in traditional projects. This means that many developers and testers assume that this means that they are often less testable, when in fact the reverse is true. This article explains why. Read More

To Report or Not Report - That is the Question?

October 22, 2014

There is an underlying question we all need to think about. That is how many person-hours go into creating reports? In a typical organization it can range as high as 70%(documentation and reporting) of the available person-hours. Whether this is a good use of time is debatable. Analyzing report output and statistics can easily let you know whether your actual testing efforts are delivering good results, or what you are missing. Is the time spent compiling the reports and data really where your hours should go. Read More

Agile Myths - Part 4

October 15, 2014

Today we look at whether test-driven development (TDD) a good technique for specifying how a user story should operate, and whether it means that user story is fully tested (hint: these do not have the same answer!) Read More

Command Line - Taking command for the power tester

September 30, 2014

It seems funny, but sometimes the most powerful trick in your bag can be some of your oldest knowledge. If you ever want to show your true power and put a newbie in their place just type in CMD and start dancing through shell commands. These little nuggets always work and are not reliant on the interface to perform their duties. Done correctly they can provide information that is three or four layers deep in Windows. Read More

The Politics of Testing

September 12, 2014

by Art Trevethan

Stakeholders have to keep the clients happy...
Developers have to keep the stakeholders happy...
Managers have to keep the bean counters and stakeholders happy...
And QA has to serve them all.!

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I Believe in Test Automation, Do You?

August 29, 2014

If you grew up in the 1990s you will remember the science fiction program 'The X-Files' where agent Mulder had to convince a skeptical agent Scully that aliens did exist. Well unlike aliens, test automation is not something you have to believe in or not believe in, automation exists and it works.
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Agile Myths - Part 1

August 19, 2014

The enthusiasm these days for Agile development is rightly deserved, but with so much being written and said about Agile development, there should be room for healthy debate. While Agile development has proven to be a huge step forward and the right approach for many projects, it is important to continue to ask questions in order that we don’t start to endorse the bad along with the good. We don’t want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, but we can’t keep the bathwater just to avoid the risk of doing so. An occasional examination of principles being promoted and used within the industry helps to maintain Agile methods as the best alternative to traditional development practices for many projects.

In this series of blog postings we shall discuss some of the characteristics of various Agile methodologies and ask whether the ideas are valid or whether they are in fact, industry myths.

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